Pardis Pourhaji graduated in 2017 as a Master of Science in Earthquake Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran. She had been constructively contributing in various research areas of civil engineering especially durability and mechanical properties of new concrete composites. She believes doing a PhD is not only an imperative approach to contribute to science and serve the society, but also a superlative way to disseminate the novel science to the next generation, engage and inspire them. In addition, SMARTINCS is a pioneer in self-healing concrete and a multidisciplinary project which connects academics, structural companies and market to each other. Pardis will obtain quantitative data on durability of self-healing systems, in particular addressing corrosion of reinforcements, considering the progress of carbonation and the transport of aggressive ions including Cl in submerged marine environment and Cl in aerial marine environment in combination with carbonation. The results will assess the healing systems in extreme operating conditions, quantify durability enhancement in relation to corrosion of reinforcement and obtain basic parameters for service life quantification.